Fermionic and scalar fields as sources of interacting dark matter-dark energy

Javier Ignacio Lorca Espiro (doutorando, DFMA-IFUSP)
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Abstract: From a variational action with non-minimal coupling with a scalar field and classical scalar and fermionic interaction, cosmological field equations can be obtained. Imposing a FLRW metric the equations lead directly to a cosmological model consisting of two interacting fluids, where the scalar field fluid is interpreted as dark energy and the fermionic field fluid is interpreted as dark matter. Several cases were studied analytically and numerically. An important feature of the non-minimal coupling is that it allows crossing the barrier from a quintessence to phantom behavior. The insensitivity of the solutions to one of the parameters of the model permits it to find an almost analytical solution for the cosmological constant type of universe.


Technical informations

Presentation: Thiago Costa Raszeja
Camera and video editing: Maria Fernanda Araujo de Resende

Technical support: Ademir Rodrigues, Agostinho Dias Bicalho, Amelia Genova Ferrari, Cecilia Cristina Blanco, Simone Toyoko Shinomiya, and Centro de Computação - IFUSP

Acknowledgment: Fabricio Marques do Carmo

Organization: Maria Fernanda Araujo de Resende, and Thiago Costa Raszeja

Support: Departamento de Física Matemática - IFUSP

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